Information for companies and interested parties
The SeniorPartners of the NewPlacement AG turn with their support offers on the one hand to managing directors, C-Level, high-level personnel and specialists, who are in vocational change situations, and on the other hand to enterprises, which have interest in professional separation management, which stands for fairness, relaxation and future orientation.
Overview of individual explanation sides
For more than 30 years, our partnership has helped professionals and executives with their careers and job searches with nearly 100% success.
more1/11 Our product portfolio ranges from separation management to outplacement and premium placement.
more2/11 Our USP. What distinguishes us from other providers and their consulting services in the long term.
more3/11 Separation management includes both prevention and fair and future-oriented separation.
more4/11 OutPlacement 2.0 is the further development of the OutPlacement approach for a future-oriented separation.
more5/11 NewPlacement is based on the well-founded Management Integral and stands for its 8 runways to success.
more6/11 PremiumPlacement for managing directors / C-level with high demands on individuality and networking.
more7/11 Upgrade for managers who are stuck in an outplace or transfer measure without success.
more8/11 Career advice based on the management balance for decisions under security and with a future.
more9/11 Rescue Coaching is aimed at managers who find themselves on the "downward" slope in their jobs.
more10/11 Online Coaching on demand is aimed primarily at expatriates in change and managers worldwide.
more11/11 Directory. 115 linked keywords from A-Z about career, separation, networking, application and success.
moreNewPlacement for companies
1/8: FAQ of the companies
75 questions from companies about our services ranging from professional separation management to workforce transformation and fees with our related explanations (directory).
more2/8: 3-2-1 success model
In this process, the client (labor director, human resources manager, business partner) concludes framework agreements with 3 preselected outplacement providers without exclusivity and without an obligation to purchase, but with a cost advantage.
more3/8: Personnel development
More and more CEOs and HR managers are using NewPlacement in modern HR management, where HR development goes beyond separation and defuses conflict situations.
more4/8: Discrepancy leadership / professional competence
Often, the discrepancy between high professional competence and leadership behavior among managers leads to separation. Multi-level career management has proven effective in preventing such cases.
more5/8: Separation talk
In the separation interview, you should quickly get to the point: Here and now the cooperation ends. Despite all foreboding, a wave of emotions breaks over the person concerned: Disappointment, anger, threat of RA ...
more6/8: Transfer company
We do not offer the operation of transfer companies. We advise employees who should not be in transfer companies with our NewPlacement-Coaching. Many BRs agree with us on this.
more7/8: Fee Reason
We calculate our fee individually after getting to know the candidate personally. Only when we have more detailed information about the specific starting conditions, such as current status, education, mobility, personal objectives ...
more8/8: PersonnelAG
Through our cooperation partner PersonalAG Löffler + Partner GmbH, we offer you innovativepersonnel recruitingefficientinterim management, competentHR on Demand, holistic personnel consulting and ...
moreUnique selling proposition (USP)
1/10 Exclusive SeniorPartner
with organ and management experience at a high level as well as a strong partnership behind them are at your side with the extra time and their network.
more2/10 Methodology,
which is holistic and individualizing with more than 60 exclusive tools as well as 8 runways to success, giving you the security in the application process.
more3/10 Biography,
in which we explorate your management integral with 150-200 performance, experience and competence values as well as soft skills and motivations all day long.
more4/10 Re-Biography,
which uniquely enables your self-reflection of the management balance from the meta-level and provides clarity in realistic goal setting.
more5/10 Exclusive Market Scan,
which brings unpublished job advertisements from more than 1,000 individually selected headhunters to light. And that even with personal matching chances in the per mille range.
more6/10 JobSearcher app,
searches the more than 500 job boards of headhunters for job advertisements published there according to your specific criteria.
more7/10 Referral Marketing,
which uses hybrid writing through a third party to provide access to unpublished vacancies or prospects at companies and decision makers,
more8/10 Individualization
of all application projects and interview rounds (including scripts) for professional two-way matching through exploration of demand factors.
more9/10 Job insurance
based on the re-biography and the organizational set-up for the new company for a successful onboarding and assumption of the new responsibility.
more10/10 Fee reason
towards self-payers and companies in the fair and future-oriented separation process with modular as well as success-oriented offers.
moreNewPlacement for interested parties
<<1/8>> Frequently Asked Questions
What is Inverse Headhunting, benefits of coaching vs. stand-alone, fees, who pays, length of consultation, video training, etc.?
more2/8 Pitfalls in the application process
should definitely be observed. They concern entries in the commercial register, sabbatical, severance pay, references, networking, etc.
more3/8 The OutPlacement Blog
deals with topics around strategic repositioning, development of the application market, design of individual application processes, etc.
more4/8 18 Myths OutPlacement
Myths are spread again and again in acquisition. We have illuminated these myths from our point of view.
more5/8 OutPlacement Booster
In the following ApplicationBoosters, we present some particularly successful process steps.
more6/8 German Press Review
Articles about career, separation, professional reorientation, professional job search, coaching, digital me, trends and tips.
more7/8 Publications
of NewPlacement AG (German): e.g. brochure "Separation Management", survey on "Talent Management", separation prevention
more8/8 Login for our candidates
Exclusively for our candidates we offer relevant information, job boards and links.
moreConcept images and storytelling
Our concept or dialogue images are designed to make complex topics, such as professional separation management, understandable and memorable through reduction and transformation. They are increasingly used in strategic projects in companies.
1/13 Repeal
Peter, the personnel manager and guardian of the corporate culture, negotiates the separation with Felix and Manfred, supported by works council member Bettina.
more3/13 Briefings
The departing executive Felix informs himself in detail with two outplacement providers about their methodology and checks the experience and the "chemistry" with both coaches.
more5/13 Departure
The retiring executive Felix has chosen NewPlacement and is setting out with his coach Gerd, full of expectation, on his way to a new professional challenge.
more6/13 Never walk alone
They also pass by former colleague Manfred, nicknamed "Money", who without support seems increasingly disoriented with the process multitude in the application market.
more7/13 Time limit
The direction is clear for Gerd and Felix after a full day of biography, utility analysis and goal setting. On their way, they also pass a manager who had relied on temporary outplacement support.
more9/13 Interview
As part of Essenzion, Felix prepared intensively and purposefully together with Gerd. In doing so, they are prepared for the 50 most important demand factors of the advertised position.
more11/13 Success / Contract
The retired executive Felix has made it together with his NewPlacement coach Gerd. The new strategically right job has been found. Felix thinks back full of gratitude.
more12/13 Job insurance
Felix wants to win over the employees, colleagues and interfaces in the context of the job insurance after the decision makers in the application process now also in the context of the integration.
moreSupport in all phases of career change
1/13 Separation prevention
Separation prevention, supported by appropriate coaching, is an important tool for companies (securing competencies) and for managers (rescue).
more2/13 Separation management
A professional separation is characterized by fairness, respect, relaxation and future orientation on both sides and accepts the right to unilateral decision-making.
more3/13 Status analysis
"You shouldn't build a skyscraper without a foundation." The biography generates up to 200 performance, experience and competence values, soft skills and motivations (management balance).
more4/13 Target setting
The strategic target definition determines the further operational steps. Only with this clear focus can the further process to market maturity be professionally aligned.
more5/13 Positioning
Every application needs a unique positioning with characteristics, fields of success and abilities, which clearly outline your offer to the job market.
more6/13 Market maturity
"Never bring an immature product to market." Your market readiness is the sine qua non for all solicitation activities. Otherwise you will burn time and contacts.
more7/13 Networking
Networking includes all useful contacts from the European headhunter universe to databases and the connections of our entire partnership.
more8/13 Application process
The application process is constantly individualized for each project and interview/decision round for maximum matching and performance.
more9/13 Matching
Professional matching on both sides based on well-founded research is decisive for selection and decisions as well as the secure progress of the career.
more10/13 Onboarding
The first day or the first impression made (including the inaugural speech) paves the way for onboarding. The 360-degree application process (colleagues, employees, etc.) only really begins now.
more11/13 Job insurance
"Easy come, easy go". Especially during the probationary period, the hopeful principle "it'll be okay" is out of place and shows a loss of the meta-level. Time for an emergency call.
more12/13 Coaching on demand
Even if the probationary period has been successfully completed, you should not let your early warning system fall asleep: Coaching on demand for dangerous signals.
more13/13 Update (separation)
In the case of separations or the next career step, the NewPlacement update, which is based on the NewPlacement coaching, guarantees a renewed professional process.