NewPlacement AG
Technologiezentrum Meisenstraße 96 33607 Bielefeld
International: +49 (0) 521 16444-75
Fax: +49 (0) 521 16444-76
E-Mail: info[at]
Board of Directors
Christof Küchler, Bielefeld
Board Angela Babel (Chairwoman), Düsseldorf
Local Court Bielefeld Commercial Register HRB 43083
USt-IdNr. DE814323248
Should disagreements arise, we would like to resolve them directly with you. Therefore, we do not participate in a dispute resolution procedure of the consumer arbitration boards. Nevertheless, we would like to provide you with the link to a consumer arbitration board: Note on dispute resolution in online proceedings: The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS platform): .
Agency for design and programming
Warnstedtstraße 28-32
22525 Hamburg
Fon +49 1575 4079 241
E-Mail info[at]
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The respective operators are exclusively responsible for their content. Responsible for the content in terms of the media law: Christof Küchler, Bielefeld Phone: +49 (0) 521 16444-75
If there are any unmarked graphics or texts on our pages that are protected by third-party copyright, we were unable to determine the copyright. In the case of such a copyright infringement, we will immediately remove the corresponding graphic or text after notification or, if desired, mark it with the corresponding copyright. In order to enforce clear copyrights, legal assistance is not required in any case. Corresponding costs can therefore not be reimbursed. Should any of our formulations not conform to the law, this formulation is to be understood as correspondingly within the scope of the law. NewPlacement AG, The Management Board