Professional separation management
Offboarding, Exit & Separation Management, Separation Prevention for Companies & People Affected
The fair, relaxed & future-oriented separation management of NewPlacement AG: Offboarding then becomes a win-win for both sides.
Professional separation
The important first hours of the separation
The superior / owner / supervisory board chairman and the personnel manager quickly get to the point: Here and now the cooperation ends. Despite all the foreboding, a wave of emotions breaks over the person affected: Surprise, disappointment, anger, despair and fears for the future. That is why details of the separation should not be discussed until the following days. From this point on, the further career path of the affected person with opportunities and risks is already decided. In the negative case, the affected person can only get rid of the inner pressure in the form of telephone calls to family, circle of friends, colleagues, employees and customers with words such as ingratitude etc. in the victim role. The company informs employees and customers that they have parted on the best of terms, that they are making an immediate fresh start for the sake of the future, or that they could not agree on the strategic direction for the future. This communication is almost impossible to correct afterwards and often gets through to recruiters or future target companies. With the consequence of a multitude of rejections, since "victims" are not sought after in the application market. In the further process then still another (intermediate) reference with appropriate conclusion paragraph is provided and if necessary swing unconsciously also still mutual injuries between the lines. If now the concerning still legal support gets, whereby the future is disregarded and from the separation maximum money "those is to bleed" is to be gotten out, then the chances at the job market reduce clearly. In a positive case, the person concerned first speaks by telephone with an independent "separation companion", who stands for fair separations and sees both sides realistically. In this telephone call, the strategy for the first 48 hours after the separation meeting is discussed. In particular, internal and external communication by the company and the person concerned must be addressed immediately, as it is difficult to repair in the aftermath. Phone calls with friends who are all "separation experts" and advise "don't take any crap", colleagues "picking up sympathy" and customers must be avoided in the first emotional hours. After that, a personal meeting with the "separation companion" should take place at short notice, in which milestones of the separation strategy (behavior, communication, termination agreement, etc.) are discussed. In this meeting, the reasons for the separation should also be discussed and mirrored from the outside so that the transition to the NewPlacement is prepared. If necessary, further support from a lawyer or tax advisor is also sought. Ideally, a proactive approach can be taken to new placement, building on good GOOGLE content, testimonials and references. Revenge and legal battles have no place in this.
Separation Prevention
Retaining employees - preventing unwanted fluctuation
To survive, companies are dependent on resources that they obtain from their environment. This fact, which is simple in itself, becomes considerably more complicated when one asks which resources are essential for survival, which exchange relationships companies enter into with actors from their environment (markets) in order to obtain these resources, and which dependencies result from this for companies. These questions posed by the resource- and exchange-theoretical analysis of companies (Pfeffer/Salancik 1978) focus on the resource dependency of companies with the aim of identifying starting points for the management of critical resources.
Basically, it can be assumed that the resource dependency of companies is higher,
- the more important the resource is for companies, i.e. the more frequently it is needed and the less it can be substituted for the production of services,
- the more other actors can determine the allocation and use of the resource, i.e. the less companies themselves are able to shape the possibilities and conditions of resource use, and
- the more (external) resource control is monopolized, i.e., the fewer alternatives of resource purchase are available to firms.
These considerations can be related to central issues of personnel management. Here, in particular, the highly qualified employees of companies - i.e., the technical and managerial staff - represent critical (human) resources for which, in principle, it is true that they are permanently needed and can only be replaced within very narrow limits (e.g., through rationalization, technology or reorganization). In addition, human resources can only be controlled to a limited extent: The disposition of labor services is indirect and limited in time, because unlike with operating resources, for example, companies can only determine the allocation and use of the resource themselves to a limited extent. They are confronted with the central problem of the transformation of labor assets into labor power, according to which the resource personnel can be made available through employment contracts - but whether this also leads to employees performing the desired work is uncertain. The availability of critical human resources is therefore always latently precarious, because in the final analysis it is the employees who decide on the scope, quality and reliability of their work for the company, depending on subjective benefit considerations and a personal sense of obligation. With regard to the acquisition of human resources, the problem is exacerbated by the fact that the markets for specialists and executives are becoming increasingly less fertile for companies. If we take these fundamental interrelationships as an opportunity to think more closely about the principal ways in which companies can reduce the negative consequences of their dependence on critical human resources, then the area of personnel policy relating to the separation and retention of specialists and managers and, with it, questions of commitment and compliance come into view(Etzioni 1975; Klimecki/Gmür 2005; Moser 1996).
In this context, the topic of separation prevention is of great importance: On the one hand, it is a matter of recognizing and eliminating the causes of unwanted terminations of specialists and executives. On the other hand, it is a matter of shaping the process of unavoidable separations in such a way that the negative effects for the company can be limited. A separation-sensitive HR policy emphasizes the fact that, from the point of view of success, it is more advantageous for companies as a whole to develop the majority of existing specialists and managers, to retain them in the company and, in this way, to increase the performance of the employees for the company. This presumption of effectiveness is confirmed by a resource-based perspective of human resource management, given the appropriate design of human resource policy instruments(Wright et al. 1994; Ridder 1999). Success factor research suggests that if important retention-relevant facts are taken into account, then
- undesirable terminations and their potentially significant costs of separation and replacement can be avoided,
- employees identify more strongly with the company, its goals and its vision, and
- qualified, motivated specialists and managers who are committed to the company become a decisive competitive factor that cannot be imitated by competitors.
Against this briefly outlined problem background, this study by NewPlacement AG deals with the topic of separation prevention among specialists and executives in German companies. Within the framework of a survey of board members and managing directors responsible for human resources, as well as human resources managers, the study focuses on three interrelated topics, which relate to the understanding of the importance and potential of specialists and managers, the situation and handling of terminations among specialists and managers, and possibilities for retaining specialists and managers. By collecting and evaluating empirical data on these topics, we aim to find out what importance is attached to the topic of separation prevention in German companies, what instruments are (or can be) used and what conclusions can be drawn from this for the design of a separation-sensitive personnel policy. We would be happy to present our broad expertise as separation specialists to your company. Confidence Coaching Already 25 years ago, marketing executives in the cigarette industry were regularly advised in-house by an external coach. The focus was on the development from a professional point of view, but also on the further career. Without violating the confidentiality of the coaching content, which was always and absolutely guaranteed by the coach, the company benefited from early involvement by the executive. Disturbances in the relationship with superiors could be cleared up at an early stage with or without moderation. In the case of unavoidable company changes, fair transitions could be guaranteed. We have developed this approach further and offer the associated benefits to companies as part of our separation prevention as "trust coaching". We would be happy to discuss possibilities, limits and details with you personally. Job insurance There are already many attempts by companies to interview departing specialists and managers in EXIT interviews. Likewise, anonymous questionnaires are already being used to find or clarify reasons for leaving. Unfortunately, these attempts are limited and do not reveal many reasons. In the future, why not thank the departing specialists and managers by covering the costs of coaching? This coaching "job insurance" should ensure that these employees quickly find their way in the new company. If you are indignant now, you should definitely make an appointment with us. You will be amazed.
Further information
On our website you can find out more about the extensive
o internal career directory
o FAQ on OutPlacement
o Interviews OutPlacement & Career
o FAQ of the companies
and the horizontal sliders provide very quick information on all phases of career development and professional change.
For an individual and personal assessment, please arrange a free, no-obligation information meeting with your future coach.
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