Questions from companies about OutPlacement & Career
At the request of some HR colleagues, we have collected the questions from companies on the subject of outplacement, newplacement and coaching of executives on the job and added our comments. If you have further questions on this topic, we would appreciate a short note and would be happy to add to the website accordingly.
Index: Frequently asked questions from companies
NEW: scalability, network, refusers, time off, sprinter bonus.
3-2-1 model, 50+ job search, Parallelism - 8 runways,
advantages for those affected, advantages for the company, association membership,
bundling and professional implementation,
certificates, claim affected, coaching executives, communication, consultant exchange, consultant profiles, consulting affected, coordinator, costs / fees, cost reduction,
dropout rate,
number of employees,
flexibility, freelancers,
goal setting and profiling, goal setting before termination agreement,
history, experience HR consulting,
Identification and acquisition of positions, image damage, Individualized consulting approaches, industry experience, informational interview, internationality,
liability, locations,
NewPlacement- individualized instead of classic OutPlacement,
management circle I,
opportunity assessment, OutPlacement- various questions,
PartnerPlacement, perspective consulting before termination agreement, placement (term), placement of executives, placement time, reaction in case of problems, profiling, projects/year, psychological tests,
qualification of coaches, quality assurance system,
references, refusers, reporting to company, resources, risk management,
safe and consistent handling, scalability, separation management, services after goal setting, settlement process, specialization employee groups, sprinter bonus, startup consulting, success measurement, success rate,
tax and social security advice, tax treatment, testimonial / reference, time off, toolbox,
3-2-1 model
Why rely on 3 providers and not exclusivity?
Our answer: NewPlacement AG supports the 3-2-1 success model of sovereign outplacement providers, which has already proven its worth in the electronics and energy industries, among others, through the commitment of HR managers. Here, the client (labor director, HR manager, business partner) concludes framework agreements without exclusivity and without an obligation to purchase but with a cost advantage with 3 pre-selected outplacement competitors (see BDU expert committee OutPlacement). The employees concerned can take advantage of free and non-binding 1-2-hour informational interviews with 2 outplacement providers, in order to then decide on a methodology and the coach. This significantly increases the value for your employees and guarantees an easier conclusion of the termination agreement. Furthermore, this model guarantees a high quality level of consulting even over longer periods of separation projects, as the providers have to constantly face the vote of the affected employees anew. Should a provider leave during the course of the project, the offer for the employees is still guaranteed. If you prefer the principle of one-face-to-the-customer in the area of outplacement, this can be ensured by the project manager of NewPlacement AG as lead provider.
50+ job search
Is your NewPlacement coaching still interesting for managers who have passed their 50th birthday?
Our answer: Experienced managers who have reached the age of 50 talk too much about their age instead of their diverse experience. In turbulent times, a number of companies are looking for precisely these "storm-proof" personalities for management positions. For this purpose, these experiences must be documented in a very intensive biography. The broad and deep spectrum of performance, experience and competence must be reflected in the positioning - the offer to the market. A special presence of one's own professional career as a "sought-after problem solver" is expected in the application or better matching interviews.
The selection of suitable projects outside the "youth craze" requires many years of experience of the coach. Nevertheless, due to the limited offer, the application period can also extend beyond the previous employment period. In this case, self-employment to improve the initial situation on the labor market can create interesting access to searching companies. Especially project, interim or co-leadership tasks can be particularly interesting for this group.
Dropout rate
What is your dropout rate for individual outplacement processes?
Our answer: With NewPlacement coaching until success or with continuation guarantee practically 0% (however, including change to self-employment).
Claim affected person
How do you guarantee that despite a contractual relationship between the company and you, the employee(s) to be accompanied have a liability and performance claim against you. (especially regarding the update phase)?
Our answer: Candidate is contractually defined as a service recipient. The support is guaranteed until success or guarantee. If there are disruptions between coach and candidate, a coach change (method equality) can take place (in the past <1%).
Consultant exchange
Is an unbureaucratic exchange of consultants possible in case of insufficient acceptance by the clientele?
Our answer: Coaching is based on absolute trust at all hierarchical levels. The opening of the client presupposes a correspondingly trusting consulting atmosphere. This is created by a common "chemistry". If this is disturbed by one side or even by both sides, making successful further work difficult or impossible, a pragmatic and quick procedure is inevitable, usually through a rapid change of coach/consultant - without checking or questioning the "correctness". For all parties involved, this procedure must be a practical matter of course. The identical methodology and procedure guarantees smooth transitions when the coach/consultant changes, regardless of the reasons for this change. With increasing placement time, the acceptance of the coach/consultant can sometimes wane. In this case, too, a change of reference person or temporary tandem counseling can help out of the low mood. Because all coaches use the same methods, a change does not necessarily mean a loss of time in the process.
Fixed-term NewPlacement contracts
Can you also offer limited contract offers for budget reasons?
Our answer: If the company's budget is not sufficient for NewPlacement coaching to success, the company can agree NewPlacementLimited (duration 3-6 months) with a continuation option at special conditions, which the affected persons take over, if necessary also in installments from their new salary. In general, however, those affected should be given the opportunity to receive support in order to succeed.
Consultant profiles
What do your consultant profiles look like? (Qualification and experience background)
Our answer:
1. more than 12 years of management experience at a high level
2. experience as a board member, managing director or head of business unit as well as in two-level management outside consulting and training companies
3. sound psychological background
4. ability to listen and to take a step back
5. own qualifying life or separation experiences
6. commitment to NewPlacement quality
7. enjoyment of independence and teamwork in a strong community
8. acquisition and contact strength
Consultation of the persons concerned
What does your confidential and competent consulting service for employees interested in a career change or threatened by a job loss look like in detail?
Our answer: With our consultants with life and career experience, we guarantee competent, serious and sustainable advice for all affected specialists and managers at the nationally required locations. Initial informational interviews are held in our consulting offices. The consulting that follows the informational interview can also be conducted at the request of the companies on their premises or, by arrangement, at other premises of our SeniorPartners that are close to the home of the interested executives. At the beginning we offer a confidential and for the interested party non-binding informational interview with a duration of 60 to 120 minutes in the consulting office. In this meeting, the initial situation of the specialist or executive in his current situation and on the labor market (opportunities, risks), the methodology and a possible procedure are discussed. Likewise further information concerning current application activities of the prospective customer can be given. The anonymity of the interested party can be guaranteed both in the initial contact, selection of the consulting office (no meeting of two interested parties) and in the informational interview (pseudonym). Further consulting can be carried out at the request of the company both within the framework of pre-defined limited consulting units and, in particular, for executives within the framework of guarantee programs. NewPlacement AG has a well-founded and long-standing experience with a large number of successful manager consultations on executive or manager level. References in this regard must be requested and agreed upon individually due to confidentiality. Due to the high level of confidentiality, we also do not publish clients on our website. NewPlacement will, in addition to the self-activities to be demanded from the executives, also carry out active job acquisition. In addition to individual consultant contacts, we will also approach relevant headhunters and use our exclusive job scanner, which scans the homepages of headhunters in the semi-covert job market. Above all, the "covert labor market" can also be served through the personal contacts of the consultants deployed. Of course, we are also ready to systematically record and use the external contacts provided by the company. The service of the company-internal application market can be guaranteed. The acceptance of approached specialists and executives to decide in favor of a "volunteer program", i.e. to decide in favor of a consulting process that should lead to external reemployment after being approached by internal parties (company, superiors) as well as external parties (NewPlacement), depends not only on the credibility and persuasiveness of those acting, but also on the "offer package" of the company. Depending on the design of the respective company offers, NewPlacement was able to motivate many of the approached executives for the consulting offer in comparable individual situations. The resulting job acceptance rate was almost 100% for NewPlacement coaching that was not limited in time. In principle, it is very difficult to motivate executives with a well-paid, prestigious and (supposedly) secure job to voluntarily change jobs - without, for example, the "leverage" of a concretely imminent termination being available. We are unable to make any serious percentage estimates in this regard before conducting a preliminary study. In particular, the severance payment amount and the benefits granted beyond the termination could possibly have a strong influence on acceptance among the P&MS affected. In any case, the consulting offer must generate as much security and confidence in success as possible, which also play an important role for the families or partners involved.
Industry experience
For which industries have you accompanied outplacement projects?
Our answer: With our four-digit management consultations in the past, there is hardly an industry in which we have not been active and our process has proven itself individualized.
Professional implementation
How do you ensure the bundling and professional implementation of the planned outplacement measures?
Our answer: Consulting for specialists and executives is an individual matter. The central coordination of the measures takes place in the background. Unlike group OutPlacement measures, the coach-skilled worker/manager relationship (chemistry) plays an extremely important role. In particular, the coach's management experience must ensure that the relationship is at eye level. The specialist and manager must get to know their future coach intensively as early as the informational interview.
Opportunity Assessment
What elements are used to advise and assess the labor market opportunities for employees to be accompanied and how do you derive a guarantee of success for placement from this?
Our answer: Thanks to our many years of experience and our proximity to the job market, an initial assessment can already be made during the informational interview. Factors such as age, mobility, training backlog, etc. also play a role. Obstructive soft factors are part of the coaching. Limiting factors tend to extend the time horizon.
Coaching executives
How can you support our leaders on the job?
Our answer: In contrast to professional performance, some executives need coaching in leadership, micromanagement, communication in a 360-degree environment, and occupying their own meta-level. Usually, behaviors have developed over years or have their roots in past experiences. The first step is to explore the motivations and consciously deal with them. In the past, we have been able to secure many permanent positions for professional experts through our approach.
Experience personnel consulting
Do you have extensive experience in personnel consulting and placement?
Our answer: NewPlacement's years of experience in individual measures guarantee not only experience that is customary in the industry, but also real USPs in detailed aspects. Consulting and placement of specialists and executives threatened by job loss is our core competence. NewPlacement has not only gained a great deal of experience in management consulting since 1992, and thus for around 30 years, but has also decisively developed classic outplacement consulting in order to give the specialists and executives we support a real competitive edge in the job market. In doing so, we benefit from our numerous USPs in competition. In addition, we use our subsidiary PersonalAG with its focus on personnel consulting and placement for all our projects.
Success rate
Please define the success rate (successful placement) across all employees of other customers accompanied in the past 3 years (please subdivide into executives and non-executives).
Our answer: In contrast to the industry, our focus (>75%) is on success or guarantee contracts. Cancellations have occurred in less than 2% of projects over the last 3 years. Therefore, our success rate for these contracts is close to 100% for both executives and professionals.
Success measurement
How does your company measure whether an outplacement process was successful?
Our answer: A contract signed by both parties with almost 100% matching and the opportunity afterwards (<>one-way street) or at least medium-term independence. For our success speak years of contacts and accompaniment of the candidates, after years also the accompaniment into the chance afterwards (update). Another criterion for our joint success with the people concerned is the large number of recommendations from candidates and companies.
Business start-up consulting
Does your NewPlacement process also include business start-up consulting?
Our answer: If the person concerned is considering a business start-up instead of a new permanent position, they will be comprehensively advised PARALLEL by the NewPlacement SeniorPartner or in tandem with a specialized ExpertPartner.
Examination of personal suitability (positioning)
Examination of the business model (market situation/demand, competitive situation)
Assessing the business plan (sales, investment, financial, profit planning)
Support in the creation of the concept
Support in the creation of a concept for the employment agency
Support in the application for start-up subsidies
Support in the creation of a KfW start-up concept (additional tool)
How flexible are you in the implementation of the measure (in terms of dates, volume)
Our answer: The resources of competent and experienced coaches are not unlimited for all segments without a loss of quality. However, due to the different start dates and intensities of the individual consulting phases, our own high quality standards can be guaranteed for more than 100 specialists and executives of the company per year in Germany. For executives, we assume a support ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 (tandem consulting).
Does the NewPlacement process require an immediate release?
Our answer: Leaves of absence are often issued on the grounds of "out of sight, out of mind", doubts about committed work after the separation interview or fears of unrest in the company. In our view, this need not be the case. If the rapid orientation towards the future already succeeds in our informational interview, there is nothing to be said against continued employment. Especially in the first 3-4 weeks of our process, the main work lies with the NewPlacement coach. After the launch on the market, however, the workload for the person concerned becomes considerably higher (interview preparations, interviews with headhunters and decision-makers in searching companies, etc.) and no longer allows for full-time employment. In the case of continued employment after the separation interview, a positive change, especially in communication and leadership in the company, can be noticed through the work with the NewPlacement-Coach. If the reason for the separation is related to these issues, rescue coaching may be an alternative (broken china).
Employees of NewPlacement AG
How many permanent consultants and how many freelance consultants do you employ?
Our answer: NewPlacement AG CANNOT employ part-timers or freelancers due to the demanding methodology. The training to become a SeniorPartner of NewPlacement AG alone takes about 2 years. The entire administration is outsourced to our subsidiary PersonalAG. The approximately 25 SeniorPartners, who are already to a large extent co-owners of the AG, operate freelance and in NewPlacement Coaching exclusively under the umbrella of NewPlacement AG.
Leadership circle 1 - special offers
What is your consulting approach for individual case consulting at the first management level below the board level?
Our answer: PremiumPlacement coaching to success or guarantee follows the principle of "manager as brand". The offer of the manager to the job market follows the strict rules of the brand business. In a professional exploration, a comprehensive management integral is created. In particular, through the recommendation marketing of PersonalAG (personnel consulting subsidiary), we establish appropriate contacts with the decision-makers in the company. PremiumPlacement usually takes place in tandem consulting.
Group OutPlacement
Do you also offer group OutPlacement instead of individual consulting?
Our answer: To support our key accounts, we also offer group OutPlacement for professionals. In groups of 6-10 people, we work together on the standardized application processes and application strategy, provide self-help with regard to line-up, resume and cover letter as well as sources and evaluation of job offers (individualization). Furthermore, job interviews and critical questions are practiced within the group. In some cases, depending on the budget, we also supplement the group work with individual counseling sessions. This standardized approach does not do justice to executives, even if purely executive groups are formed. The individual set-up based on the Management Integral and the high degree of individualization in the individual application steps cannot be represented in groups in a way that meets quality standards.
In welcher Höhe pro Schadensereignis ist Ihr Unternehmen versichert?
Unsere Antwort: > 1.000.000 Euro. Bestandteil des Rahmenvertrages.
How long has your company been in the outplacement business?
Our answer: In 1989, our founder Gerd Löffler established the business in Northern Germany for the Claessens Group, which was the European leader in outplacement at that time. In 1992, NewPlacement Löffler+Partner GmbH was founded in Hamburg. NewPlacement AG was registered in 2005. This means that we can look back on around 30 years of building up and developing the business.
Further information
Identification and acquisition of positions
How do you identify and actively acquire vacancies on the external market?
Our answer: Basic statements on this are listed under "Advice for those affected". In the case of executives, more than 66% of the placement of relevant vacancies often takes place in the non-publicly perceived space. This potential can only be leveraged by a broad market scan with headhunters. The gray, i.e. conditionally publicly perceptible area, may only take place on the homepages of the headhunters. This is what the exclusively developed NewPlacement job scanner is for. Unsolicited applications to companies only make sense for managers on an individualized and top-down basis. The best rates are achieved by recommendation marketing through a third party (PersonalAG) or supported unsolicited applications. Unsolicited applications are subject to the rules of cold acquisition. The first sentence must be able to build a bridge between the 3 core topics of the addressee and the performance and experience values of the candidate. In this respect, candidates absolutely need corresponding support.
Image damage
Avoidance of image damage (e.g. due to labor law suits, negative press reports, etc.)?
Our answer: The basis of all our interventions and measures is a balancing coaching with the "iron" principle of the application market that candidates behave loyally towards all previous companies, superiors and colleagues and talk about them in an appreciative way. In order to avoid atmospheric disturbances, the measures are used with appropriate caution and suitable content. In each individual separation case, a language arrangement should be agreed at an early stage between the company and the employee about the reasons for leaving. It is also essential to provide a reference that matches the employee's future expectations, i.e. a reference that is market-oriented. This does not, of course, mean that false testimony is being used. In our experience, however, it is important to emphasize especially those virtues and successes that also contribute to the employee's goals and not to limit oneself to the usual and rational text modules in a software of the personnel department. Also above all the current, in addition, the former superiors should offer themselves actively as reference givers. Especially if the cooperation may not have been entirely free of tension at one point or another, it is important for the departing employee that the reference provider also proves to be loyal and does not "follow up" if necessary. Incidentally, it would also be confidence-building if these elements in particular, and the obligation to mutual loyalty in general, also became components of the individual termination agreement. We will moderate this process, if desired by both sides, and also develop suitable formulations for this purpose. The coach will deliver the drafts of the interim reports after the target setting and the creation of the success database for the specialist and manager or the specialist. Thus, image losses of the company for the remaining employees can be almost completely excluded.
Individualized consulting approaches
How do your consulting approaches differ for different employee groups?
Our answer: PremiumPlacement for C-Level (if necessary. In tandem consulting) - decision-makers in companies (holding, owner, AR) and headhunters NewPlacement coaching for executives and specialists - market scan with a view into the hidden market, recommendation marketing OutPlacement consulting for specialists (help for self-help, standardized) Group OutPlacement for specialists (n=8-10) PartnerPlacement (after relocation, regionally strongly restricted search) Coaching of executives on the job
Informational interview
What do your informational interviews look like?
Our answer: With our consultants who are experienced in life and work, we guarantee competent, serious and sustainable consulting for all affected specialists and managers at the nationally required locations. Initial informational interviews after a previous initial discussion on the phone are conducted in our consulting offices or, at the request of those affected, through TEAMS. Both talks are free of charge and non-binding. At the request of the companies, the consultation that follows the informational interview can also be conducted at their premises or, by arrangement, at other premises of our SeniorPartners that are close to the interested executives' homes. At the beginning we offer a confidential and for the interested party non-binding informational interview with a duration of 60 to 120 minutes in the consulting office. In this meeting, the initial situation of the specialist or executive in his current situation and on the labor market (opportunities, risks), the methodology and a possible procedure are discussed. Likewise further information can be given concerning current application activities of the prospective customer. The anonymity of the interested party can be guaranteed both in the initial contact, selection of the consulting office (no meeting of two interested parties) and in the information interview (pseudonym).
Is there an international consulting activity? If so, how- and in which countries?
Our answer: We launch our candidates all over Europe and beyond. We can guarantee our consultancy also in Vienna, Zurich, Madrid (Spanish, English, German), Luxembourg, Brussels, Geneva, Paris, Marseille (French, English, German), among others.
To what extent do you support the company in communicating measures and maintaining a positive separation culture, especially in the area of tension between the remaining and affected employees?
Our answer: The affected employees experience a forward orientation in NewPlacement coaching and are in a positive mood of departure. They make peace with the separation and perform well until they leave. They understand that caring for the company goes beyond the separation. Nasty words and post-carding, even after the departure, are refrained from. As a rule, no judicial mediation is necessary.
Central coordination and bundling of all activities by one main contact?
Our answer: The overall project management for the specialists and executives lies centrally with the project manager of NewPlacement AG. He coordinates the assignments of the SeniorPartners for the information interviews, location analyses or guarantee consulting. Quality management will be the responsibility of the executive board of NewPlacement AG. There, any difficulties that may arise between the executive and the coach will be resolved with the project manager in an unbureaucratic and timely manner.
Costs / Fees
What costs should we expect for an individual measure? Does a framework agreement make sense?
Our answer: In the case of individual measures, an offer is prepared after a detailed informational discussion with the persons concerned. This is based on the prerequisites of those affected, content requirements, time horizon and budget. The framework agreement defines different target groups (Management Circle I / C-Level, Management Circles II-III and Professionals / Specialists), forms of offer (PremiumPlacement, NewPlacement-Coaching, OutPlacement-Coaching and Coaching for Managers on the Job) and scope of the consulting (Limited in months with continuation option, success and guarantee), which can be divided into a basic consulting (perspective consulting or goal setting) and the respective upgrade. Factors for the calculation of the fee include position level, age, industry, mobility and annual gross salary.
Cost reduction
Measures to reduce costs (e.g. through suitable offer formats, early change, support of readiness for change, etc.)?
Our answer: Intensive and sustained coaching at the shortest possible intervals and with high intensity should lead to early "market readiness". However, due to uncertainties in the market, the process times until a decision of the company of several weeks should not be underestimated Therefore, we practice a high parallelism of measures in order to generate market contacts quickly. Additional sprinter bonuses in a "lucrative" amount as additional severance pay can support those interested in leaving accordingly in their decision-making and letting go processes and accelerate these. Here we are interested to know the already existing ideas and/or agreements of the company at an early stage, in order to be able to arrange or use the offered possibilities optimally. The intensive informational interview, which at NewPlacement is not conducted by an canvasser but by the later coach, results in the location analysis 1 as well as, if necessary, the first departure mood. The location analysis 2 can strengthen the necessary security for the departure within 2 weeks in the form of a full-day biography, soft skills, re-biography, utility analysis and goal setting. Location Analysis 3 (Executives) provides initial responses to the executive's offer from the labor market in the form of projects within 5-6 weeks of the start of consulting and after the launch in the market and a corresponding 14-day scan with more than 1,000 headhunters. The location analysis 4 can offer the specialist and executive after further 6 weeks already first enterprise discussions and in individual cases also concrete contract offers. With all measures for a fast success of the concerning with a high Matchinggrad also the enterprise profits by portions of the Sprinterprämie and saved social additional expenses as well as if necessary passenger car use.
Services after target setting
Please briefly describe the services you offer and detail the effort (hours or days) and calculation for the update to success or guarantee "individual consulting" based on target identification.
Our answer: Success database, success lecture, success story Positioning, approach to the market Application and interview strategy Market maturity (usually 3 days face2face / 3 days back office) Launch on different runways Essenzion® (individualization interviews, support of processes 0-2a/d headhunter, getting to know company, verification company, matching) SIGNED CONTRACT If necessary, accompaniment during the trial period (guarantee contract)
Number of employees
How many employees do you employ in total?
Our answer: More than 25 self-employed and management- as well as organization-experienced full-time SeniorPartners, almost all of whom are already co-owners of NewPlacement AG, guarantee the quality of NewPlacement. Freelancers and part-timers cannot be used because of the complex methodology and therefore do not increase the "number of employees". We have transferred the entire administration to our subsidiary PersonalAG. The staff employed there are not employees of NewPlacement AG. Due to this setup, our strength lies especially in the career architecture for the management circles I+II at eye level
Which networks do you use in NewPlacement coaching?
Our answer: We use the networks of NewPlacement AG, PersonalAG (personnel consulting) and our SeniorPartners (decision-makers in companies, candidates, social networking). In addition, for decades we have built up an international and qualified database of personnel consultancies, which we constantly validate in terms of confidentiality, trust and reliability, and use this to scan the hidden market. We bring together the decision makers in companies with our executives through hybrid referral marketing. However, we leave the organization of fireside evenings, dinners or rounds of golf to those involved. We only use the contacts of the executives as information for our recommendation marketing and not as an application channel. In addition, we use exclusive JobScanner software in the hidden market of job offers.
NewPlacement, individualized instead of classic
How does your individualized NewPlacement differ from classic OutPlacement?
Our answer: The individual NewPlacement coaching creates a broad base through the professional exploration of the management balance sheet with 150-200 performance, experience and competence values, the strength and weakness profiles as well as the motivations. This basis enables an adapted matching to the respective demand factors of job offers. 0. accompaniment of professional separation management 1. BIOGRAPHY - Multidimensional management balance sheet 2.TARGET FINDING - Re-biography, distance to own career, view from the meta-level - elaboration of soft skills - personal target finding 3.POSITIONING - Positioning - Coaching for better self-understanding and -awareness 4. STRATEGY - General interview strategy - Presentation/elaboration of the different application strategies ("8 runways to success") 5.DOCUMENTS - Preparation of professional written, electronic documents - Assistance in the preparation of meaningful application photos - Testimonials: 6. LANCING - Launching on the market (exclusive networking database Europe) 7.APPLICATION ACTIVITIES - Candidate intranet use - Reactive applications (recruiters, companies) - Initiative applications to companies (approaching decision makers) - Preparation for special forms of personnel selection e.g..B.: - Permanent individualization by project and stage 8. CONTRACT MODALITIES - Analysis and evaluation of specific offers - Advice on the conclusion and negotiation of a new employment contract 9.JOB INSURANCE - preparation for professional integration in the new company - organizational set-up 10.CONTINUATION GUARANTEE (in case of premature termination of the probationary period) - Re-listing for the market and launching - Drafting of (interim) references 11.MEDIATION - Mediation in case of conflicts between the company and the candidate If needed and required: self-employment to improve the starting position on the job market or medium-term alternative to permanent employment 12.EXAMINATION OF FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS - Examination of personal suitability - Examination of business model 13.SUPPORT IN THE START-UP CONCEPT - Assessment of the business plan - Support in the creation of the concept
OutPlacement - various questions
OutPlacement provides future orientation, relaxation and fairness for employees and companies in the separation process. It strengthens job perspectives and corporate culture.
The fee is based on the needs in terms of level, intensity, individuality and duration (compact specialists T€3 over modular models to PremiumPlacement with guarantee for management circle I). | Details
Depending on needs and budget, consulting is provided until target identification, market maturity, contract or end of successful onboarding. In the case of guarantee contracts, consulting revives in the event of separation during the probationary period.
When one lacks orientation with regard to the target job, experience in the application process, access to jobs and decision-makers as well as one's own positioning.
Your consultant needs to have management, separation and psychological experience, he or she must be able to take a step back and focus on you as a person, and he or she needs a sustainable and resilient network. Leading outplacement providers guarantee that their coaches have undergone several years of training.
As a rule, the company has sounded out the market and made a pre-selection of 3 providers. The employee concerned then has several hours of informational interviews with the potential coaches. | Details
Individual counseling focuses on the needs of individual employees. Group counseling is more general and characterized by standards. Extroverts often shape the topics. The fee/employee:in is more favorable in the group, but not always less expensive.
The support of the coach gives self-confidence, process security and shortens the search time for employees. The company acts responsibly, gives clear signals to the rest of the staff and guarantees personnel development beyond the separation.
While the term OutPlacement focuses more on separation, NewPlacement is more comprehensive in the direction of departure, which subsumes separation, individuality, repositioning, matching and new task.
As a rule, the company pays the fee and, if necessary, offsets part of it against the severance pay. But there are also self-payers who see the honora as an investment in their own person with a corresponding ROI. And finally, there are mixed forms in which the company pays the basic fee, for example.
No, it shouldn't be, and it's not that effective. Ask for the times that the coach is personally available to you. This does not include self-study with standardized manuals. Do you get individual support for each application project and the appropriate stages, or should you go standard?
The basis of a professional consultation is the inventory of all your performance, experience and competence values as well as your soft skills in the context of your career. This results in an attractive offer to the labor market, which is made available to suitable positions. After the actual application process comes the contract phase and onboarding. | Details
Parallelism of activities
To what extent do you focus on individual paths to the affected person's new job? Do the people concerned have to decide on a path early on?
Our answer: Before one of the below mentioned runways can be taken, it is absolutely necessary to have the professional market readiness on the basis of the management balance sheet with success database (among others 100-200 performance, experience and competence values, soft skills, motivations), success story (short and detailed profile), success lecture (script for individualization), benefit analysis and target finding. Otherwise contacts are burned and time & liquidity wasted. Runway 1 Headhunter initiativ Broad scan of the (hidden) application market. Exclusive scanner software Runway 2 Headhunter reactive Three-step success procedure Runway 3 Company proactive Research regarding companies and decision makers. Especially recommendation marketing by a third party. Inverse headhunting based on well-founded market maturity and without the use of headhunters. Runway 4 Company reactive Individual matching through upstream research. Individualized documents based on the 50-70 demand factors of the vacancy. Runway 5 Candidate's network Reactivation and use of information in recommendation marketing (runway 3) Runway 6 NewPlacement AG network, PersonalAG, partnership Access to hidden projects with knowledge advantage. Runway 7 Self-employment In particular, also the "self-employment" to improve the initial situation on the labor market. Runway 8 Digital I Coherent profiles in XING and LinkedIn. Complete check of all relevant entries (including commercial register, press releases). The NewPlacement application strategy defines the respective runways, the qualitative contents and their time commitment. We distinguish between proactive and reactive applications to companies and headhunters, interim providers, private equity, etc. as well as networking, digital me and self-employment, among other things, to improve the starting situation for permanent positions. An early commitment to individual runways without a chance for later correction must be avoided at all costs, as the application process is also a development process. The development of the individual runways should in any case be done individually and not in groups (generalization). The parallelism of all runways considerably increases the chance of finding the strategically right job and can contribute to a significant shortening of the waiting time until the new challenge.
Can your company guarantee consulting within the framework of the Partnerplacement concept?
Our answer: We have already worked successfully in this subject, also because there are often regional restrictions in our NewPlacement coaching. In PartnerPlacement, we not only master the placement, but also the support in the limited regional search (referral marketing, etc.). In this area, we can operate at different levels.
Perspective consulting before termination agreement
Do you pursue concepts/consulting approaches specifically for employees who have not yet signed a termination agreement?
Our answer: "Anxious" candidates shy away from the finality of termination agreements. For this clientele, we conduct the reorientation process in stages. Our 11/2-day goal setting (management balance, re-biography, utility, profiling, goal setting) can be booked separately at any time and is fully chargeable with updates (success, guarantee). It provides clarity and future orientation with appropriate opportunity assessment. In exceptional cases we have also successfully conducted NewPlacement-Coaching until success without commitment to a separation agreement, if an ultimate termination was not opportune for the company.
How high is the number of outplacement projects in Germany p.a. and what is the volume behind them?
Our answer: Our more than 25 senior partners manage more than 300 individual consulting projects (including updates, coaching on the job, career counseling).
Psychological tests
Do you use psychological tests for profiling the persons concerned?
Our answer: In general, it should be noted that NewPlacement Coaching is not "leather couching". As a rule, we use psychological tests only in cases where we consider it helpful and always in consultation with our candidate. In these cases we work with experienced and certified senior partners from our ranks. Through the intensive joint development of the biography (Management-Integral) over many hours, the persons concerned and also we get a very clear picture of the potentials. In the market, these tests are also used in order to save consultant time and to convey an "objective security" to the persons concerned. We do not think much of this. If personnel consultancies or potential employers use psychological tests for selection, we prepare the persons concerned intensively for this and determine the target corridor (red, blue, green, yellow if necessary). We sensitize them to specific questions and explain the special semantics.
Coaches qualification
What qualifications do the employees scheduled for consulting have in terms of management experience, psychology and mediation?
Our answer: Under the umbrella of NewPlacement AG, executives and specialists are only coached by full-time coaches with management experience at a high level (organism). The use of freelancers is not possible due to the extensive methodology. Our prerequisite in terms of qualification and experience background can be found in the"Consultant Profiles" question.
Quality assurance system
Does your company have a quality assurance system?
Our answer: NewPlacement coaches have undergone a two-year training period and are regularly trained and updated. The documents produced are reviewed as part of supervision and, if necessary, revised in a final edit. Longer terms in particular are also discussed as part of supervision.
Response to problems
Fast, flexible and unbureaucratic responsiveness in the event of the need for content adjustments and the rectification of problems?
Our answer: This measure is characterized by sustainability as well as target and result orientation. Any change or disruption in the process can be responded to immediately and comprehensively based on years of experience in separation management in a creative and solution-oriented manner within NewPlacement's flat hierarchy. Every biography is as unique as a fingerprint. Therefore, in each individual case, the key to success lies in the ability to bring to bear the virtues described under this point. Of course, this is even more true for more complex projects involving a large number of executives. In the case of individual support by definition, but also in the case of group measures, the emphasis is on individual coordination and implementation of the appropriate content and methods in each case. Frequently, unorthodox solutions are also created together in order to do justice to a special constellation. The spectrum ranges from the inclusion of the employee's family, to the support of special external know-how providers, to the arrangement of practical days. In the case of organizational problems, pragmatic action is taken. Open discussions are always held to find causes and solutions. Due to NewPlacement's good reputation and branched contacts, spatial and personnel problems can be solved quickly and satisfactorily. If dissatisfaction on the part of the coach/consultant becomes conspicuously more frequent, we will promptly remove the coach/consultant from the project and replace him or her. This also applies in particular in the event that the company wishes to replace a particular coach/consultant.
Please name reference projects, ideally from the respective industry or sector, in which you have successfully carried out comparable tasks?
Our answer: In recent years, NewPlacement AG has worked for more than half of the DAX companies and other companies of varying size and orientation. For reasons of confidentiality, we deliberately do not publish references. However, reference discussions (companies / persons concerned) can be offered on individual request. Which reference companies can you name? Our answer: A large number from different industries (usually HR), but for confidentiality reasons they are requested individually for each reference.
Reporting to the company
What does your reporting to the company look like?
Our answer: Digital reporting to the company will NOT publish any consulting content. The data subjects must always be informed about the content of the reporting, which usually includes the status in the application process. After the final departure from the company, "success reports" may only be transmitted with the consent of the data subjects. Absolute confidentiality is the basis for our service.
Provision of quantitatively and qualitatively sufficient resources at the company's key German locations?
Our answer: Due to NewPlacement's flexibility, the required resources can be guaranteed at all German locations through consolidation and concentration.
Risk management
Do you have an up-to-date, meaningful risk management system in place?
Our answer: NewPlacement AG's risk management refers to corporate risks, technical risks, project management risks, product risks, data protection risks and software risks.
Safe and consistent handling
How do you ensure the safe and consistent handling of the methods and tools used by the provider by all consultants, possibly also subcontracted?
Our answer: Only senior partners with management experience and appropriate psychological training are used for the specialists and executives. All these coaches master the more than 60 consulting tools of the NewPlacement-Coaching until success and with continuation guarantee as well as the OutPlacement-Coaching. For this project, there will be regular meaningful reporting and controlling, which will also provide indications for readjustments. Qualitative deficiencies will thus be continuously corrected. It goes without saying that the contents of the consultation will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to the company.
How do you rate your scalability?
Our answer: Our 25 full-time SeniorPartners with management and organizational experience, with their two years of internal training, and our methodology are the guarantee of our NewPlacement quality, but also a limit to the number of projects per year. Adding freelancers and part-timers is not a solution for us. Our methodology requires about 40h of the coach personally for NewPlacement coaching for executives until market maturity within 3-4 weeks. Switching to 1.5h/week and shifting back office to "homework" or secretarial work is not a sensible alternative for us.
The previous attempts to replace consulting content by replacing the personal coach with KI (virtual coach) has not proven successful with executives. Group OutPlacement is then the better choice for professionals. By moving some of our SeniorPartners together to one location, we could place about 100 executives there in 3 months.
In the 3-2-1 model, we have successfully managed 200 employees in a volunteer program with two other BDU members. If the number of cases is higher, we could also consider a 5-2-1 model or bring the specialists to the market via group outplacement measures, which are not suitable for executives because of their significantly higher individualization. Transfer companies only make sense for executives with individual new placement coaching.
Specialization employee groups
For which employee groups do you see the focus of your outplacement consulting? (See also RFQ document)?
Our answer: First and foremost, management groups I - III in corporate groups/industry, since our senior partners, with their management and executive experience, can provide highly qualified coaching at eye level, especially for this clientele.
Sprinter bonus
Does a sprinter bonus make sense in the termination agreement in addition to NewPlacement coaching?
Our answer: The sprinter bonus is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, those affected should switch to a new challenge with high matching and a chance thereafter, and on the other hand, they should not accept the first contract offer in order to maximize the sprinter bonus. The company share of the sprinter premium plus saved social fringe costs and possibly omitted car use are often considered as re-financing of the NewPlacement fee. We recommend that companies keep the sprinter premium percentage at the same level over the remainder of the contract term, rather than overweighting the first few months. In any case, the sprinter bonus can provide an immediate jumpstart and immediate start to a new challenge.
Consulting locations
At which locations are you represented in Germany (cities)?
Our answer: We are accommodating. At more than 60 locations in Germany and neighboring countries, we provide advice in consulting offices in German, English, French and Spanish. Further information
Tax and social security consulting
Do you also provide support in tax and social security law consulting?
Our answer: Within the framework of NewPlacement coaching, the persons concerned are advised on tax law issues together with their tax advisor or with our tax advisor on site in a two-stage process (confidentiality). Advice on social insurance law issues is provided together with the pension insurance institution. Generalized and standardized "half-knowledge" jeopardizes the decision-making basis for those affected due to the large number of details to be taken into account.
Tax treatment
What is your recommendation regarding contract constellations for the distribution of fees (company 90% / 10% MA own share). Also with regard to taxation of benefits in kind (subsidy for your services) as well as recognition of income-related expenses for the service?
Our answer: Outplacement is fully deductible.
We recommend that 100% of the costs be covered by the company.
Federal Ministry of from 28.12.2020 Annual Tax Act 2020 (JStG 2020)
"Job application coaching is no longer a benefit in kind" from January 11, 2021Link point 6 |Link
There is a supreme court ruling on the input tax deduction: BFH ruling vr 32/207 (06/2022)
Transfer company
Do you also offer the operation of a transfer company?
Our answer: NewPlacement AG does not offer the operation of transfer companies. Appropriately qualified providers with a large number of exclusively permanent employees ensure regional reference and qualification at a high qualitative level. In the case of personnel reduction measures for skilled workers, clerical staff and unskilled employees, a transfer company is well suited. Services in the area of transfer companies include consulting and concept development (funding opportunities), involvement of the works council and employees, development of incentive systems, profiling, employee-oriented qualification measures, use of knowledge of the regional labor market. C-level, managerial staff and specialists require NewPlacement individual coaching because of the significantly higher demands on their application process. They are challenged significantly differently in terms of positioning for market readiness, networking, matching, the application process and onboarding, and also need corresponding support. For the executives concerned, SeniorPartners of NewPlacement AG take over the accompaniment into the new job. We would be happy to present our broad expertise as a separation specialist to your company.
Separation management
In your opinion, what does successful separation management look like?
Our answer: "Glasses clink at the wedding, they should not break at the divorce". Professional separation management is characterized by fairness, future orientation and relaxation. Company, affected person and the NewPlacement-Coach form a team for personnel development outside the company. The remaining managers and employees perceive this scope positively. Short-circuiting of key executives and employees is avoided.
USP of NewPlacement AG
What is your company's unique selling proposition (USP) compared to competitors?
Our answer:
5. MARKET SCAN - FASTER ON THE MARKET (exclusive database)
8. FULL INDIVIDUALIZATION (Essenzion©, Matching)
9. JOB INSURANCE (establishing the meta-level)
Further information.
Association membership
Which associations do you belong to?
Our answer: Member of the OutPlacement Committee of the BDU, Partner DGFP and BPM, Member ACF Association of Career Firms (Europe and International)
Mediation (term)
What do you do to place P&MS in positions on the external market?
Our answer: The term "placement" is in danger of suggesting passivity as a possible option on the part of the professional and managerial staff. In fact, the P&MS is considerably challenged in the application process. As a rule, she must successfully manage a quasi-unskilled marketing and sales job on her own behalf in several interviews. In the process, she must sell her offer to the labor market as a problem solution for the searching company and successfully master the pitfalls of the filter measures. In doing so, existing "ego rotation" must be broken. Subsequent job insurance also places considerable demands on the employee; especially if he or she has not experienced a change of employer for a long time. The basis for positioning the employee on the job market or with potential target companies is worked out together, regularly reviewed in the process and adjusted if necessary. The placement is carried out without pressure from the coach/consultant and is based exclusively on the decision of the executive supported by him.
Placement executives
How do you ensure the rapid and frictionless placement of the executives released as part of the restructuring measures?
Our answer: The specialists and executives can achieve market maturity within 3 weeks through 3 full-day intensive coaching measures and corresponding 3-4-day follow-up work by the coach and launch the approach to the market in accordance with the application strategy. In the process, an appropriately extensive market scan takes place. In the application interviews with the decision makers of the companies and their headhunters, the executives benefit from our individualization with regard to the many demand factors of the searching companies (job advertisement, company appearance, people) by mirroring them to their management balance sheet. In this way, they play a significant role in ensuring the matching.
Average switching time
How long does the consultation take on average? (in months)
Our answer: We calculate around 5 months from the separation to the new contract, with a spread that can even exceed a year for difficult profiles or constellations. According to a study, outplacement consulting takes 7.8 months and self-direction 12 months.
Clearing process
How does the billing process work?
Our answer: The framework agreement defines the services and respective fees without an obligation to purchase. After the agreement with the concerned parties, the company places an order for the perspective consulting and later for the update on success/guarantee or immediately an order for the whole process. After the start of consulting, the fee is usually due within 14 days. If necessary, the fee can also be split.
Do you have experience in advising people who do not want to leave the company?
Our answer: Leaving the company, especially after a long period of affiliation, triggers fear and anxiety among those affected. This worry is usually reinforced by the social environment and lawyers involved. In this situation we recommend a perspective consultation, which does not exclude internal developments, which gives clarity about the starting position, chances on the application market and confidence. Perspective counseling, which does not expect any legal concessions from those affected, significantly increases the volunteer rate. In some cases, we also involve the partner of the person concerned in the counseling. In individual cases, affected persons were granted complete counseling until a separation agreement was reached. In these cases, terminations were not opportune for the companies for various reasons (BR, social situation, affiliation, etc.). Nevertheless, the separation was successfully accompanied along this path.
Advantages for those affected
What are the main benefits of NewPlacement for those affected?
Our answer:
- Strengthening of self-confidence and trustful guidance by a professional sparring partner.
- Definition of realistic goals and strategies as well as optimal positioning for the job market.
- Never-ending use of NewPlacement AG's company databases and network of contacts.
- Access to the hidden job market and optimization of opportunity exploitation.
- Broader own basis through the management balance for strong matching.
- Professional support during the probationary period (meta-level).
Advantages for the companies
Where do you see the advantages for the companies, why does this investment pay off?
Our answer:
- Avoidance of friction losses, legal disputes and image damage.
- Demonstration of social responsibility that goes beyond the monetary benefit (severance pay).
- Strengthening credibility and employer brand.
- Cost savings by shortening the separation process.
- If applicable, shortening of the contract period through faster job change of the employee (share of sprinter bonus).
NewPlacement methods and instruments proven in practice and supported by appropriate references?
Our answer: The biographical work as the basis of the NewPlacement system guarantees a profound and authentic positioning of specialists and executives on the market. The accompaniment in the application process through several exclusive tools leads to the "face in the crowd" that is in demand in the application market. In doing so, we place the individual with his or her experience, strengths and competencies - not his or her weaknesses - at the center of our activities. In the NewPlacement packages, the number of consulting units is not contingent; the consultants are available to the specialist and manager to the full extent and, above all, in a timely manner according to their needs. In addition to individual one-on-one consultations, individual content modules could also be supplemented by group work/seminars/workshops/peergroups. However, coaching of specialists and executives always remains a strictly confidential individual measure.
Do you have certifications (e.g. DIN ISO or other)?
Our answer: No, our individualization goes beyond all known standards. That is why we cannot have a handbook, as this would have to be printed anew for each candidate. Nevertheless, our SeniorPartners personally have various certificates (Systemic Coach, Psychological Consultant, KfW, Psychological Tests etc.). Our own certification follows a 2-year internal training (distance learning, tandem, supervision, workshops) for the SeniorPartners.
Goal setting and profiling
Which tool do you use for potential analysis / profiling?
Our answer: Intensive informational interview with the later coach, exploration management balance sheet (> 5h), 150-200 performance, experience and competence values, strengths and weaknesses, follow-up work by the coach (back office), re-biography (>1h), utility value analysis, goal setting, first profiling.
Target setting before termination agreement
Do you pursue concepts/consulting approaches specifically for employees who have not yet signed a termination agreement?
Our answer: "Anxious" candidates shy away from the finality of termination agreements. For this clientele, we conduct the reorientation process in stages. Our 11/2-day goal setting (management balance, re-biography, utility, profiling, goal setting) can be booked separately at any time and is fully chargeable with updates (success, guarantee). It provides clarity and future orientation with appropriate opportunity assessment.
see also Refuser
Testimonial / Reference
Will you assist us in preparing a draft reference? How should we handle requests for references?
Our answer: After the extensive exploration of the management integral as well as the creation of the perspectives / goals and the positioning, we create a draft testimonial that fits holistically into the success story and identically represents the common past. In doing so, we pay attention to a structured presentation that does not allow any confusion with testimonials of favor. In contrast to references, however, the personal reference of the professional superiors and HR managers from the previous company is highly valued. The reference is usually limited to the response of the inquiry, confidence of a new position, strengths, potential for improvement and change story. Your reference can be a booster for the application, but also a KO. Every reference provider should be aware of this fact.
Further information
On our website you can find out more about the extensive
o internal career directory
o FAQ on OutPlacement
o Interviews OutPlacement & Career
o FAQ of the companies
and the horizontal sliders provide very quick information on all phases of career development and professional change.
For an individual and personal assessment, please arrange a free, no-obligation information meeting with your future coach.
Contact by phone, e-mail or contact form
We guarantee all interested parties absolute confidentiality, non-disclosure of your data and security in accordance with our privacy policy. You can also contact us anonymously. We vouch for this with our more than 30 years of tradition.