| Job search on your own

Week 33: Second interview at the company vs. contract

Job search formerly on my own (Gerd) vs. NewPlacement-Coaching (Chris).
Formerly on my own: The interview with the company close to home is a success. The re-briefing and the mirrored benefit analysis create a face in the crowd of the 3 final applicants. Already in the evening the headhunter informs that they have decided in favor of Gerd and want to send him a contract at short notice. Gerd uses the meeting to thank the headhunter for his professional support.
NewPlacement-Coaching: The present contract is discussed in detail. Chris would like an extension of the notice period. The coach translates this request from the company's point of view. Thereupon, they leave it at the present version. Otherwise there are no pitfalls and the coach recommends signing. After that, the coach and Chris arrange to meet for the job insurance. For this, the coach still has to prepare the formal and informal organizational chart and the strategy for the first 100 days.
Our recommendations in this regard
65: In the final round of interviews at the company, it becomes important to set yourself apart from the remaining candidates. Re-briefing and a mirrored utility analysis make it easier for the company to assess the congruence of the matching and provide security for the decision.
66: Discussion of a contract at hand can still lead to termination. When discussing one's own wishes for change, it is essential to discuss the counterpart's perspective with the coach.