| Job search on your own

Week 22: Self-interest of advisory board vs. agreement of works council

Job search formerly self-directed (ER) vs. NewPlacement-Coaching (NP)
Formerly in self-direction, since the 14th week in NewPlacement-Coaching: After the first highlight project failed at the assessment center (AC), the interview with the entire advisory board is pending in the other project. In preparation for this interview, the NewPlacement coach scanned the participants and came across an advisory board with an IT consulting job for the company. Now a strategy must be developed to ensure that the new hire ER, who does not actually need consulting in this area of IT, does not become a threat to the advisory board.
Since the beginning of NewPlacement coaching: NP seeks direct contact with the works council chairwoman and directly discusses the case of the "ticked off" direct report. He discusses an outplacement agreement without termination with her, leaves the "negotiation success" to her and asks her to win the Direct Report over for this measure.
Our recommendations in this regard:
43. when there are competing interests, decision-makers will seek sideshows to prevent hiring. Good preparation should eliminate these "games" at the core.
44: Especially during the probationary period, it is often not the negative content of comments made by colleagues that counts, but the intentions behind them. These must be addressed and, if necessary, refuted.