
4. The NewPlacement separation coach

Professional offboarding, exit & separation management

OutPlacement-News.de: What tasks should the company complete after the separation interview until the follow-up interview?
NewPlacement.com: Under no circumstances should internal and external communication about the separation take place, as it should be part of the next meeting within the framework of the adjusting screw model, among other things. Fait accompli destroys "trust" after the separation meeting. As a rule, there are guidelines in the company with regard to severance agreements and allow for a quick first draft, which, however, often breaks a lot of china with the manager concerned and pushes him into a legal dispute. For this reason, we recommend preparing it, but not sending it to the dismissed manager. The discussion should only take place at the next meeting.

OutPlacement-News.de: What is the job of the separation coach once he or she has been called in?

NewPlacement.com: The separation coach offers an immediate counselling session after the manager's request, ideally on the same day as the separation meeting. All short-circuiting activities resulting from anger and disappointment or "goading" by family or friends are put on hold. This also includes communicating the separation from the "victim" role to colleagues, employees, external partners of the company and social media. After focussing on the future, taking a proactive part in the separation and defining internal and external communication, the manager sees their own position and prospects much more clearly. It would be unfortunate if spontaneous communication blocked this path. 
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