
3. Evaluation & selection reactive application

Initiative & responsive application materials

"Matching Check / Components & Addressee"
First, together with the NewPlacement coach, one should evaluate the suitable job advertisements after the research. For this purpose, the respective demand factors of the company vacancy are mirrored with the 150-200 performance, experience and competence values and assigned the best value in each case. If no corresponding 1:1 value is found, an analogy is tried. If this does not succeed either, the indispensability of the demand factor is evaluated. If there is any uncertainty, a preliminary telephone call to headhunters or the company can clarify the situation. When deciding on an application, a TOP5 evaluation is made from the demand factors, which can be mirrored by the candidate's own background and thus provide a "preliminary understanding" of the company's needs. This is followed by the final evaluation of the respective job advertisement in terms of matching and prospect of success. Without this procedure, one can get "burned" by both companies and headhunters and be left out of the running for later vacancies with significantly better matching.

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