
2. Job research in the open market

Initiative & responsive application materials

"Search engine / website of the companies & headhunters"
When searching for suitable vacancies, many executives move only in a quarter of the application market. Nevertheless, interesting offers can be found in the meta search engines and the job boards of the target companies and headhunters. To the chagrin of companies and headhunters, many mistakes are made in identifying suitable challenges. The sole criterion "I could imagine that" of the applicant is not target-oriented. The research should also go beyond the text of the job advertisement to the website or Internet search. From our NewPlacement experience we can say that the research of an "untrained" executive in the conceivable vacancy segment has only 10-20% challenges with a high matching proportion and an application chance. It is very difficult at the beginning of the research to "sit in the chair of the counterpart": "Would I hire me - and with what benefit for the company?". In this assessment, especially "conditio sine qua non" with their indispensability for the searchers are overlooked or ignored. Convince a Dr.-Ing. who is looking for a Sales Director with an engineering degree that the engineering degree can also be replaced purely by professional experience.

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