NewPlacement partnership

Michael Ohletz

Michael Ohletz

17 years of management experience, including 15 years in various management functions in Human Resources within the Lufthansa Group, Chairman of the Speaker's Committee of LSG Senior Executives and member at Group level. Responsibility as Head of Personnel Marketing, Selection, Development and Training (special projects USA). Planning and execution of more than 100 assessments as well as individual job interviews. Project manager in the context of the opening of new facilities in Scandinavia on the subject of knowledge transfer. Several years of training experience in leadership and team development. Freelance personnel consultant and coach, lecturer at the Offenbach Chamber of Industry and Commerce and at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in Ravensburg on the topics of "The executive as coach" and job application training. Training as NewPlacement-Coach by Gerd Löffler and Hans-Christoph Nagel. Senior partner and co-owner of NewPlacement AG.

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Professional separation management for executives and companies

Find out more about Michael Ohletz
Michael Ohletz

Born in Wiesbaden in 1950. Competitive athlete with multiple participation in the state and German track and field championships in the middle distance as well as in the sports support group Fürstenfeldbruck. After school, gastronomic training. Two and a half year "guest performance" as flight attendant to finance studies in business administration. Got to know and appreciate other cultures in the context of consulting abroad (China, Singapore, Egypt). Continuous training in coaching, communication psychology, moderation and team development within and outside the Lufthansa Group. Happily married and father of a trombone-playing son. Enthusiastic skier and recreational runner, music lover in the field of classical music.

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