| Job search on your own

Week 11: Own rejection vs. inverse headhunting

Job search on my own vs. NewPlacement-Coaching
On my own: The result after almost 3 months is disappointing. Family and friends had encouraged HE to believe that HE, as an experienced manager with many job interviews, would manage on his own. In particular, however, HE lacks access to the hidden market. Therefore, HE starts the search for "inverse headhunters", who should bring his documents to the right addressees.
NewPlacement: Despite a lucrative contract offer, after checking his own utility value analysis in evaluation of all information from the discussions with the company, his own rejection takes place. Due to the two offers with a high matching rate, the approach for an interim solution was discarded. The two initial discussions at the company went very well, so that final talks are already scheduled for next week. For this, the re-briefings, requested strategic approaches and the mirrored benefit analysis still have to be prepared together with the NewPlacement coach. In the event that another person joins, the success presentation was also revised again with content from the first conversation for a short presentation.
Our recommendations:
21. inverse headhunting or DirectPlacement are just other words for unsolicited applications to companies, which have already been made for 30 years with research of the situation in the companies, contact person and individual first sentence with the appropriate bridging in the NewPlacement process. Sending by e-mail or by folder to HR departments are not recommended for managers.
22. preparation for the second or further final interviews must be prepared in such a way that the same or (suddenly, unannounced) different groups of people can be addressed adequately. Excellent fallback strategies for all eventualities have been proven and crowned with success.