
3. The separation interview

Professional offboarding, exit & separation management

OutPlacement-News: What preparations should be made before the separation interview?
NewPlacement.com: Beforehand, the HR department should organise a suitable external separation coach (NewPlacement AG) who can cushion the first hours and days after the separation. He or she can absorb or avoid anger, disappointment and resentment and prevent legal disputes using the NewPlacement AG model. The process should also be defined with the line manager.
OutPlacement-News: What should the process of a separation meeting ideally look like?

NewPlacement.com: After a short warm-up by HR, the decided separation is explained. The motives are briefly outlined, the possibility of cancellation is ruled out and the one-sided nature of the separation is pointed out. In contrast to an employment contract, termination is a unilateral declaration of intent. A detailed discussion of the reasons does not bring about a turnaround and destroys the last connections.
This is why HR's role as a moderator is required at this point. The end becomes the beginning and gives the separation fairness, relaxation and future orientation. They point out their own responsibility beyond the separation and offer immediate contact with a separation coach. It is important to emphasise that the separation coach is only obliged to the manager concerned, regardless of the fee, and that absolute confidentiality is guaranteed.
The company will not receive any information from the meeting. Finally, the meeting is postponed for a few days and the manager is "temporarily" released.
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