NewPlacement partnership
Ingrid Eichner-Fritz

Consultant/Management Profile The joy of working with people closes like a parenthesis around all her major career stations: First training and several years of professional experience in the healthcare sector, then business studies with a focus on human resources, followed by seven years in human resources at SmithKline Beecham Animal Health, most recently as Regional Manager Human Resources Germany/Italy/Nordic. After two years of parental leave, she built up and became managing partner of a family-owned company in IT project management and for more than ten years managing director of a medium-sized, internationally active plastics company. In addition, training as a coach at NewPlacement AG as well as further training in the areas of management, leadership, personnel and personality. Management and leadership, both as an executive and in human resources, are the foundation of her professional success and form the background of her coaching services. Co-owner and SeniorPartner of NewPlacement AG.
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Professional separation management for executives and companies

She grew up on Lake Chiemsee and has lived with her family in the Munich area for many years. Traveling and reading, exercise in beautiful nature and contact with different people are her stimulation and recreation. "Hope means: expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it". In the spirit of Willibald Ruch, she wants to support people to successfully shape their individual future. Equipped with a great talent for communication, with the power to make projects fruitful and to create meaning, she accompanies her clients with advice and action to the goals they have set for their future. Her ability to transform and evolve as well as her versatile experience help them to realize their goals with perseverance, consistency and presence.