
11. Self-employment as an alternative

In the case of self-employment, it is necessary to distinguish three approaches:
A. The candidate uses self-employment as a bridge and door opener for a permanent position. However, unexpected success can also lead to a change in thinking and to longer-term self-employment.
B. The candidate uses self-employment as an alternative to permanent employment and then makes a conscious decision to continue self-employment and against an existing contract offer (towards instead of away from).
C. The candidate has been considering self-employment for some time. During the joint check with the NewPlacement specialist for business start-ups, a comprehensive business plan is developed and the financing is in place. In this case usually no application activities are started. In the case of purchase, participation or founding, completely different prerequisites must be considered.
In general, however, the following applies: No success without successful (cold) acquisition, networking and communication.