NewPlacement partnership
Sabine Knierim Tribouillier
More than 20 years of responsibility in international human resources development and recruitment. Diploma as Organisational Psychologist, studies in Ratisbon and Paris, graduated from the Sorbonne, Paris, trilingual, German and French nationality. Beginning in the field of continuing education and training, taking over the management of the institute, changing to the responsibility for personnel development and recruitment both for French market leaders and hidden champions in the distribution and trading of precious metals. As an HR Senior Consultant, responsible for filling management positions, mainly with a technological background in the field of industry, like Automotive supply industry, mechanical engineering, chemistry.
For more than 15 years, a variety of different European HR and recruitment projects have been implemented on top management and board level - often on the German-French axis, as well as coaching of expatriates. Initiator and lecturer for intercultural seminars in companies, as well as in business and university environments.
Since 2009 self-employment in France with focus on strategic personnel consulting on executive level and coaching.
As a NewPlacement coach in two years of internal training.
After studying in Upper Bavaria in Regensburg, she went to Reims in Champagne province and later to Paris.
The love of white sausage and sweet mustard has remained, but was added to the French and for a few years additionally, the Provencal cuisine. As an enthusiastic fan of fresh air, the weekends are frequently filled by biking or hiking in the Luberon.
Continuing her professional development and career with a Master’s Degree in Coaching and Change Management in 2010.
An operative member of the French-German Economic Club of Provence, also active in the board of directors and in a voluntary commitment to the counseling and support of young adults in professional crisis situations.