Matching mit dem Zieljob & Zielunternehmen
Aspects of a new job
1. brand/company
A brand or a company can only perform well on the market if the right people are behind it and identify with its content and commitments. Before accepting a new management position at a company, one should carefully examine whether one's own personality and values match those of the company. You don't do the brand or yourself any favors if you bend yourself just for the lucrative job. Every strong brand is like a human being with a corresponding marketing integral whose spine should not be bent. A vegan is certainly not a good fit as a product manager at a meat company, unless a radical shift to vegan products is planned.
2. professional competence
In the case of a new management task, it should be determined in advance which professional competences are indispensably required. The self-reflection should be honest and comprehensive. This also takes into account which skills can still be acquired in advance and during the probationary period without hesitation. Of course, with every new job there are (hopefully) also development opportunities, such as special industry knowledge for the salesperson or new materials for the developer. Permanent deficits generate dissatisfaction on both sides and often also separations. Even more dramatic, however, are foreseeable permanent underchallenges (bore-out syndrome), which often lead to dissatisfaction and dislike. We observe this effect particularly with short-sighted descents on the career ladder, from which we must advise against.
3. owners
On level 1+2 you will come into contact with owners (medium-sized companies) or owner representatives (supervisory board, advisory board) in a new management position already during the application process. Dominance and unique selling propositions will not change this group once hired. Also pay attention to the necessary chemistry. If you are looking for a "vicarious agent" as a CEO, you will not be happy in this job. Don't be blinded by sales, headcount, and lucrative salary offers. Of course, in this league, part of the pay is also "pain and suffering". Even promised freedom and competencies cannot be "endured" by some owners in the long run. And also the handling of changing announcements must be learned. An indication can also be found in the rules of procedure with the "transactions requiring approval". Therefore, let him who commits himself "forever" be tested.
4. internal interfaces
As a rule, you will only get to know your internal colleagues and employees when you take up your new management position. As a board member or managing director, you will meet your future colleagues at least in part during the application process. Be sure to observe the interaction with the owner side in the getting-to-know-you meetings. There may also be an "internal title aspirant" among your new employees, for example, or your next level of management may stand resolutely against you like a brick wall. Colleagues may fear for their own sinecures and build up corresponding blockades. Before you start, you should therefore make an organisational constellation, which is supplemented over time by the red (informal) lines and enables you to return to the meta-level in crisis situations, if possible together with an experienced NewPlacement coach.
5. external partners
Extremely important for your performance in the new leadership job will be your relationship with customers and suppliers. If you can already bring along appropriate contacts, this is of course helpful. Otherwise, you should already start building up an external network during the induction period. Scan in particular the (friendly) connections to the owner or to your superior. Especially towards new managers, external partners like to try to extend or cement their positions. One of my candidates resigned from a service company. The problem was that the senior was friends with the boss through the gun club. However, important external partners can also be lawyers, tax consultants, advertising agencies or management consultancies, which the owner side sometimes trusts more than your expertise.
6. social behavior
How will your future company deal with the environment, employees and rules? This behavior is often anchored on the owner side and cannot be easily changed by you. So can you identify with this social understanding in the long run? Gratitude for your addressing this issue will usually be limited and taken as direct criticism. Does the company have a professional and above all fair separation management? However, you will be reluctantly asked about your predecessor and the circumstances of his or her departure. At some point, however, you may also be the person affected. Do not blindly rely on statements on the homepage, e.g. regarding "code of conduct", which is required from clients. How do you deal with the authorities and politicians in the region? Are there any old problems that could cause you difficulties, e.g. in approval procedures?
Further information
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